Pierre Grussenmeyer

Pierre Grussenmeyer

Pierre Grussenmeyer

Pierre Grussenmeyer is Professor at the Department of civil engineering and surveying at INSA Strasbourg (France) and head of the Photogrammetry and Geomatics group since 1996 (member of the ICube UMR 7357 Laboratory in Strasbourg since 2013). His main research interests are close-range photogrammetry (civil engineering & metrology), architectural photogrammetry & laser scanning in connection with BIM, mobile mapping systems, integration and accuracy of data in 3D building models.Vice-president of the “Association Française de Topographie” and member of the editorial staff of the French “XYZ” Journal (www.aftopo.org) .Member of the International Editorial Board of the Photogrammetric Record since 2010 . More than 150 papers published in the field of photogrammetry, architectural photogrammetry and applications to Cultural Heritage.