Training Session

2 -3 -4 November 2023

Immediately after the conferences, the ATG with the collaboration of the Tunis El Manar University assumes the “AI role in GEOMATICS” to students/researchers/Professionals, in the “I SEE GEOMATICS Congress” context.  Offering participants the possibility to get involved in new skills and experience early-career scientists will also have the opportunity to attend some useful keynotes in GEOMATICS given by Experts on different topics in GEOMATIC

Participation Fee

Fees include 2 nights (PC), courses, coffee break and lunch

Students/doctorates 850 DT/300 Euros

Others 950 DT/ 350 Euros

(Accommodations, courses and lunch). 

Only 25 places are available

Deadline September 15th, 2023

Training Program

First Day: Introduction to AI

  • Get an introduction to the field of data science and differentiate between its basic concepts
  • Data processing and visualization Python
  • Learn the basics of Python and start using it
  • the AI applied to Geomatics.

Second Day: Master Data Visualization

  • Master data visualization using Python and Plotly
    • Data pre-processing
    • Machine Learning
    • Project tasks

Third-Day: AI project

  • Create an artificial intelligence based on everything that you have learned during the training
  • Lab on the development of a Geomatic Project using Geospatial data
  • Assessment of knowledge in the AI applied to Geomatics.

Pedagogic Aims

At the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Explain what artificial intelligence is!
  • Identify its challenges and opportunities
  • Scientifically describe an AI project applied to Geospatial data in Geomatics and its sub-disciplines.


The prerequisite is to have basic knowledge of computer science, algorithms, statistics, Python libraries and Geomatic. This training is intended for all engineers and researchers in the sciences of Geomatics, who are wondering about the mode of use of artificial intelligence and wish to learn about the role of AI in Geomatic applications and produce simulations and modeling Geospatial data.

Training Registration

Personal identity card or Passport Number


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